Conversion of Standard Time Designation
To 24-Hour Time

Standard Time

24-Hour Time

12:00 AM (midnight)


0000 hr or 2400 hr

12:30 AM


0030 hr

1:00 AM


0100 hr

1:30 AM


0130 hr

2:00 AM


0200 hr

3:00 AM


0300 hr

4:00 AM


0400 hr

5:00 AM


0500 hr

6:00 AM


0600 hr

7:00 AM


0700 hr

8:00 AM


0800 hr

9:00 AM


0900 hr

10:00 AM


1000 hr

11:00 AM


1100 hr

11:59 AM


1159 hr



12:00 (Noon)


1200 hr

12:30 PM


1230 hr

1:00 PM


1300 hr

2:00 PM


1400 hr

3:00 PM


1500 hr

4:00 PM


1600 hr

5:00 PM


1700 hr

6:00 PM


1800 hr

7:00 PM


1900 hr

8:00 PM


2000 hr

9:00 PM


2100 hr

10:00 PM


2200 hr

11:00 PM


2300 hr

11:59 PM


2359 hr



12:00 AM


2400 hr or 0000 hr


Why Should We Know Military Time (24–hr Time)

    During An Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) announcement, if one or two are still up and running during multiple nuclear strikes a hundred or more miles from your position, it would be wise to know twenty-four hour time, which is used by airlines and the military, which starts from zero at midnight and goes through 24 hours of the day. In 24 hour time, the last two digits are the numbers (or time) past the hour. The first two digits represent the hour. The letter '0" in front of the number in 24-hr time represents AM time and AM time continues from 0900 (9:00 AM) to the 1159 hr. Then, at 1200 hr, time is now in the PM hr (See Chart).

    This is advantageous to know, as under the circumstances, the military may be operating the EBS, as many of Civil Defense Workers (FEMA) may no longer be viable! And, as such, military time may be resorted to under the stress of the developing situation warning the population of arrival times of Fallout.
    Make it to your Fallout Shelter when it is announced that Fallout is on the way! Arrival times may be given in 24–hr Time (Military).